Simple Ways to Manage Your System
Request Service, Reduce Service Calls, Troubleshooting Tips
As a source of support, VTS has made available some tools to assist you in:
- understanding how your equipment works,
- discovering simple fixes in order to avoid unnecessary service calls,
- providing you with an on-line way to request service,
- and offering a client specific log-in to track current and past activity.
Trouble Shooting Tips
Access Control Gate Troubleshooting Tips – Linear System (Unnecessary Service Calls Reduced)
Entry Code Will Not Activate a Relay
- Confirm an entry code has been assigned
- Check to see if entry code relay set up was done properly
- If the number of incorrect codes entered exceeds the lockout count, the keypad will be locked
- Make sure keypad is not in lockout mode – wait one minute for lockout to clear and try again
- If the wrong key is pressed, pressing the (*) key will reset the keypad
- If anti-passback feature is enabled, the entry code will be unusable until the anti-passback time expires
Remote or Main Keypad Will Not Activate a Relay
- Confirm an entry code has been assigned
- Make sure keypad is not in lockout mode – wait one minute for lockout to clear and try again
- Check for correct keypad wiring
- Transmitter Will Not Activate a Relay
- Make sure transmitter has been enrolled in system
- Check to see if transmitter has been deactivated in the system
- Confirm transmitter button setting isn’t programmed to ‘no relay’
Residents Telephone Doesn't Ring When Visitors Call
- Call resident’s number from a different line/cell phone to determine if telephone is in working order
- Check to see if the telephone number has been programmed correctly
- Confirm that the Linear System’s telephone line is working
System Will Not Answer an Incoming Call
- Confirm that the Linear System’s telephone line is working
- Make sure the ‘automatic telephone answer’ is not disabled
Remote PBUS Device Does Not Work
- Check remote device for power
- Confirm correct remote device address switch setting
- Assure device is wired correctly
System is Non-Responsive
- Check equipment such as the intercom or keypad which is normally lit up to see if the lights are on
- Press buttons on the keypad for an indication of power
- Confirm there is power from the transformer and voltage at the power terminal strip